European Health Insurance Card Coverage Countries and Levels

The European Health Insurance Card or EHIC is free. This card allows you to get access to medically necessary as well as healthcare that is provided by the state during a temporary stay. The card allows you to use it in at least 27 countries in European Union.

You can use the card in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein, and Iceland for free under the same conditions. EHIC cards will be issued by the national health insurance company in your country. There are crucial things you need to know about EHIC before visiting the EU.

Before applying for EHIC, note that EHIC isn’t an alternative to any travel insurance. The card will not cover private healthcare or specific costs like the return flight to the US or another home country. This card won’t cover stolen or lost property too.

List of EHIC Countries

Where can you use EHIC? This card can be used in any EEA (European Economic Area or European Union country. You can also use the card in Switzerland. Right now, the EEA has at least 27 member states of the EU along with Liechtenstein, Norway, and Ireland. You can also use EHIC here:

1. EU countries

Sweden, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Portugal, Poland, Netherlands, Malta, and Luxembourg are some EU countries that accept EHIC. Some other countries that accept this card are Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, Ireland, Hungary, Greece, Germany, France, Finland, and Estonia.

You can also use the European Health Insurance Card in Denmark, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, Croatia, Bulgaria, Belgium, and Austria. 

2. United Kingdom

If you are one of the Irish citizens, you will get access to Common Travel Area healthcare when visiting the United Kingdom. But citizens of other EU countries must continue using the EHIC that is still accepted in the United Kingdom.

3. Outside the EU

Those who travel outside the EEA or EU countries cannot use EHIC coverage. Instead, those travelers need to get private health insurance that will cover their medical treatment abroad.

What Does the EHIC Cover?

The EHIC is going to cover all medical treatments you need that will be provided by public healthcare providers. To use EHIC, you need to renew EHIC so that it will be ready to use for a long time. Below are some medical treatments that will be covered by the EHIC.

1. Doctor’s visits

It is crucial to consult with a doctor who is in a contract with any national health insurance fund in any country you visit. If this is something new for you, then you may want to ask locals, a travel guide, or your hotel to get help in finding a doctor.

2. Doctor’s referral

Usually, you will need a referral that comes from a doctor so that you can be hospitalized if it is not an emergency. Some hospitals will charge a fee for your stay on some first days. Some other hospitals won’t charge anything.

3. Prescription medication

The European Health Insurance Card will cover your prescription medication, a degree, or fully. However, over-the-counter painkillers, cold medicine, and flu medicine usually are not covered by EHIC and other national health insurance companies.

4. Dental care

In many cases, the EHIC will cover emergency and basic dental treatment. More expensive or complex procedures like crowns or dentures are usually not always covered by the EHIC or other national healthcare policies.

5. Ambulances

In many cases, national healthcare insurance companies cover ambulances. So, if you own the EHIC and you need an ambulance when visiting another country, the EHIC will cover the ambulance for you. That’s why you need to apply for EHIC online and get the card to cover different conditions.

However, you need to note that those services are not always free and some may be subject to fees, depending on which country you are in. You may need to pay at the treatment time and then get reimbursement later on. Fill in the application form for EHIC and get the EHIC immediately.

Things That EHIC Doesn’t Cover

Though EHIC is covering the five medical treatments above, it doesn’t mean that the EHIC will cover everything related to medical treatment. There are some things that EHIC doesn’t cover.

  • The European Health Insurance Card will not cover planned medical treatment If you are traveling to another country in the EU specifically to consult with a doctor or get medical treatment, then the EHIC will not cover the costs.
  • The EHIC won’t also cover planned birth. So, if you travel to another country in the EU just to give birth in that country, the resulting costs won’t be covered by the EHIC.
  • Aesthetic surgery, the medical treatment provided by private healthcare institutions, and costs resulting from trip cancellation or interruption won’t be covered by the EHIC. The EHIC won’t cover costs resulting from damaged or lost items during traveling.

Expiry Date of the EHIC

The EHIC duration is depending on the country that launched it. Usually, the duration of the EHIC ranges between a couple months to ten years. But in many cases, the EHIC can be valid for between 1 and 5 years. You will see the expiry date of the EHIC by checking it on the card.

Some countries like Bulgaria and Austria are offering EHICs for pensioners with a longer duration. Check your own country to see how long you can use the EHIC.

Renewing the EHIC

The EHIC renewal process for EU citizens is like the application process. You need to contact the country’s relevant health authorities. Also, you can do it in person, by post, or online. If the information you have doesn’t change, then the process will be easier and quicker.

But if you got married, moved, or there is another change in personal information, you should update those details before renewing the EHIC.

The European Health Insurance Card is a very special card you can use to get medical treatments for free in the many countries in the EEA and EU. However, before applying for the card and using it, you need to check all details about the EHIC on this page.

By understanding what the EHIC covers and doesn’t, you’ll understand how to use the EHIC properly. Also, there’s a specific detail about how to renew your EHIC and when it expires.

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